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Ipek Su
natural artesian water of the highest quality
Our latest high-tech bottling line and multi-staged water treatment system are fundamental to the high quality and crystal clear water that we deliver. Not even a single useful component is removed during water filtration which eliminates only unwanted substances. The water is then run through a UV water treatment (ultraviolet bulbs) system before being ozonated. 
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6 Reasons
to choose «Ipek Su» water
Qualified Service
Relevant certificates from state and international certification authorities
Reasonable Prices
Delivery of 19-litre water containers to your office or home for only AZN 4.20
Fast Delivery
Daily deliveries to any location within Baku.
Special Customer Care
Delivery of water is made within the time frame the customer is expecting
Consistent Quality Assurance
26 years of business experience help our Company to provide a high level of customer service